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Ikimono-gakari - Last Scene (Adegan Terakhir)
(OST Your Lie in April)
(Lyrics + Indonesia & English Translation)
いきものがかり - ラストシーン
涙がとまらないよ 君に会いたくなる
春のひかりがほら あの日と同じみたいだ
ねぇ さよならをもう伝えなくちゃ
君だけがいない 今を生きてく
手を離してしまうんだ 「早く行こう」って君は
僕のこと 困らせて はしゃいで駆け出す
いつも追いかけるだけで 君の背中ばかり見ていた
隠してた 涙も知らずに
涙がとまらないよ ずっととなりにいた
優しいそのぬくもり 手のひらに残っているんだよ
ねぇ そこに君はもういないんだと
わかっているのに なんども呼んでしまう
想いをつなぐために その手を握っていたのに
いつも君の声は 切なく揺れていたんだ
言葉にできなかった ぜんぶがほら
僕のなかにある 今を生きてく
「どうしてそんな顔で 立ち止まっているの」
君ならば そんなふうに 怒って言うかな
ぶつかり傷つくたびに くじけてしまいそうさ
この街もずいぶん 変わってしまった
ふたり歩いた道で 今はひとり空を見上げる
涙がこぼれないように 君を思い出すけど
いつも笑ってるんだ 少しずるくないかなぁ
ねぇ 僕はあの日から強くなった
そうでもないかな 風が笑った さよなら
涙がとまらないよ もう君に会えないんだね
一緒にすごした日が 遠いひかりになっていく
ねぇ それでも僕は行かなくちゃ
君がいなくとも 明日をみつめていく
涙がとまらないよ ずっと好きだったんだ
なんど春が来ても ぜんぶ忘れないから
ねぇ さよならをもう伝えるよ
君だけがいない 今を生きてく
涙がとまらないよ 君に会いたくなる
春のひかりがほら あの日と同じみたいだ
ねぇ さよならをもう伝えなくちゃ
君だけがいない 今を生きてく
手を離してしまうんだ 「早く行こう」って君は
僕のこと 困らせて はしゃいで駆け出す
いつも追いかけるだけで 君の背中ばかり見ていた
隠してた 涙も知らずに
涙がとまらないよ ずっととなりにいた
優しいそのぬくもり 手のひらに残っているんだよ
ねぇ そこに君はもういないんだと
わかっているのに なんども呼んでしまう
想いをつなぐために その手を握っていたのに
いつも君の声は 切なく揺れていたんだ
言葉にできなかった ぜんぶがほら
僕のなかにある 今を生きてく
「どうしてそんな顔で 立ち止まっているの」
君ならば そんなふうに 怒って言うかな
ぶつかり傷つくたびに くじけてしまいそうさ
この街もずいぶん 変わってしまった
ふたり歩いた道で 今はひとり空を見上げる
涙がこぼれないように 君を思い出すけど
いつも笑ってるんだ 少しずるくないかなぁ
ねぇ 僕はあの日から強くなった
そうでもないかな 風が笑った さよなら
涙がとまらないよ もう君に会えないんだね
一緒にすごした日が 遠いひかりになっていく
ねぇ それでも僕は行かなくちゃ
君がいなくとも 明日をみつめていく
涙がとまらないよ ずっと好きだったんだ
なんど春が来ても ぜんぶ忘れないから
ねぇ さよならをもう伝えるよ
君だけがいない 今を生きてく
Romaji, Indonesia & English Translation
Namida ga tomaranai yo kimi ni aitaku naru
I can't stop these tears, I miss you
I can't stop these tears, I miss you
(Nampaknya Air mataku tak dapat berhenti, dan ingin bertemu denganmu)
Haru no hikari ga hora ano hi to onaji mitai da
Look at the lights of spring, it looks the same as that day
Look at the lights of spring, it looks the same as that day
(Cahaya di Musim semi ini, nampak terlihat sama seperti di hari itu)
Nee sayonara wo mou tsukaenakucha
Hey, I can't say goodbye to you
Hey, I can't say goodbye to you
(Hei, aku tak dapat lagi mengucapkan "selamat tinggal" kepadamu)
Kimi dake ga inai ima wo ikiteku
I am going to live in the "now" where only you aren't here
I am going to live in the "now" where only you aren't here
(Meski kau sudah tak ada, sampai sekarang pun aku tetap menjalani hidup ini)
Te wo hanashite shimau nda "Hayaku ikou"tte
You let go of my hand You said, "Hurry up, let's go"
You let go of my hand You said, "Hurry up, let's go"
(Sambil melepaskan tangan, kau pun berkata "ayo cepat pergi" )
Kimi wa boku no koto komarasete hashai de kakedasu
Leaving me confused as you ran off merrily
Leaving me confused as you ran off merrily
(Kau yang saat itu telah merepotkanku, mulai melangkah dengan cerianya)
Itsumo oikakeru dake de Kimi no senaka bakari
I have always been chasing after you So I can only see your back
I have always been chasing after you So I can only see your back
(Aku yang hanya bisa mengejarmu dan hanya melihat sosokmu dari belakang,........)
Miteita kakushiteta namida mo shirazu ni
Without knowing all the tears that you have been hiding
Without knowing all the tears that you have been hiding
(Tanpa sadar, ternyata dirimu menyembunyikan air mata dibaliknya)
"Watashi wa shiawase datta yo"
"I was really blessed"
"I was really blessed"
("Aku merasa sangat bahagia")
Kaze no you ni kiete shimau koe ni awatete
You said with a voice that disappeared like the wind
You said with a voice that disappeared like the wind
(Dengan cepatnya suara itu telah menghilang bagaikan angin yang berhembus)
Boku wa kimi no namae wo yonda
Then, I called out your name
Then, I called out your name
(Lalu Aku pun memanggil namamu)
Furikaete sono egao wa kanashii kurai kirei datta nda yo
Remembering that smile, That is both sad and beautiful
Remembering that smile, That is both sad and beautiful
(Ketika Mengingat kembali senyuman nya, itu cukup terlihat indah serta membuatku merasa sedih)
Haru no naka de
During Spring
During Spring
(Pada musim semi itu)
Namida ga tomaranai yo zutto tonari ni ita
I can't stop these tears You have always been beside me
I can't stop these tears You have always been beside me
(Nampaknya Air mataku tak dapat berhenti, dan selalu ingin berada di sisimu)
Yasashii sono nukumori tenohira ni nokotterunda yo
All I have left in the palms of my hands are the nice warmth you gave me
All I have left in the palms of my hands are the nice warmth you gave me
(Kehangatanmu yang lembut itu masih terasa di telapak tanganku)
Nee soko ni kimi wa mou inai nda to
Hey, even You are not there anymore Although I know that
Hey, even You are not there anymore Although I know that
(Hei, meskipun aku tahu kalau kau sudah tak ada di sini,.......)
Wakatteiru no ni nandomo yonde shimau
I still end up calling your name again and again
I still end up calling your name again and again
(Aku akan terus memanggil namamu berkali-kali)
Omoi wo tsunagu tame ni sono te wo nigitte ita no ni
In order to connect our thoughts, we have been grasping our hands together
In order to connect our thoughts, we have been grasping our hands together
(Kita pun saling berpegangan tangan demi menghubungkan perasaan ini)
Itsumo kimi no koe wa setsunaku yuretteta nda
Your voice always sounds sad and trembling
Your voice always sounds sad and trembling
(Suaramu yang selalu saja terdengar sedih dan gemetaran)
Kotoba ni dekinakatta zenbu ga hora
All the feelings that words cannot describe
All the feelings that words cannot describe
(Namun semua kata-kata yang tak dapat kuucapkan ini,.........)
Boku no naka ni aru ima wo ikiteku
I will keep them inside of me and live on
I will keep them inside of me and live on
(Ada di dalam diriku dan sampai sekarang pun tetap menjalani hidup ini)
Doushite sonna kao de tachidomatteiru no
"Why are you stop and making that face?"
"Why are you stop and making that face?"
("Mengapa kau berhenti tiba-tiba dan membuat wajah yang seperti itu?")
Kimi naraba sonna fuuni okotte iu kara
If it's you, you would scold me like that, right?
If it's you, you would scold me like that, right?
(Kau pasti akan marah jikalau aku berkata seperti itu)
Butsukari kizutsuku tabi ni kujikete shimai sou sa
When I encounter obstacles and hurt myself
When I encounter obstacles and hurt myself
(Aku tahu kau merasa takut setiap kali jatuh dan terluka,.....)
Demo boku wa kore kara wo ikinakya ikenai
I seem to get disheartened But I have to keep on living my life
I seem to get disheartened But I have to keep on living my life
(Namun aku tak bisa menjalani hidupku jika tidak "memulai nya sekarang juga")
Kanawanu koto mou atta nda
There were also wishes that weren't granted
There were also wishes that weren't granted
(Kita pun bertemu dengan hal-hal yang tak terduga)
Yarikirenai kuyashisa wo ikutsu mo koeta yo
I had to overcome those intolerable frustrations
I had to overcome those intolerable frustrations
(Serta melalui berbagai kekecewaan yang tak tertahankan)
Kono machi mo zuibun kawatte shimatta
This city had also changed immensely
This city had also changed immensely
(Kota ini pun juga nampaknya telah banyak mengalami perubahan)
Futari aruita michi de ima wa hitori sora wo miageru
On the path that the two of us once walked together Now, I look up at the sky alone
On the path that the two of us once walked together Now, I look up at the sky alone
(Di jalan yang biasa kita lalui ini, aku pun saat ini melihat langit hanya seorang diri)
Haru no naka de
During spring
During spring
(Pada musim semi itu)
Namida ga koborenai you ni Kimi wo omoidasu kedo
So that I can hold back my tears, I remember you
So that I can hold back my tears, I remember you
(Air mataku seolah tak tertahankan ketika ku memikirkan dirimu)
Itsumo waratteru nda sukoshi zurukunai ka na?
You always smiling at me Aren't you cunning?
You always smiling at me Aren't you cunning?
(Kau yang selalu tersenyum, bukankah itu sedikit curang?)
Nee boku wa ano hi kara tsuyoku natta
Hey, I became stronger from that day onward
Hey, I became stronger from that day onward
(Hei kau tahu, aku pun menjadi semakin kuat sejak hari itu)
Sou demo nai kara kaze ga waratta
I wonder if that's really the case The wind smiled
I wonder if that's really the case The wind smiled
(Karena itu sudah tak masalah lagi, "angin" pun tersenyum)
(Selamat tinggal)
Itoshisa wo wasurenai
I will not forget this love
I will not forget this love
(Aku takkan melupakan rasa cinta ini)
Namida ga tomaranai yo mou kimi ni aenai nda ne
I can't stop these tears I guess I won't be able to meet you anymore
I can't stop these tears I guess I won't be able to meet you anymore
(Air mataku pun tak dapat berhenti, dan nampaknya aku tak dapat bertemu denganmu lagi)
Isshou ni sugoshita hi ga tooi hikari ni natteiku
All the days that we had spent together, is becoming rays of light far away
Isshou ni sugoshita hi ga tooi hikari ni natteiku
All the days that we had spent together, is becoming rays of light far away
(Hari-hari yang kita habiskan bersama pun, telah menjadi cahaya di kejauhan)
Nee sore demo boku wa ikanakucha
Hey, even if that's the case
Nee sore demo boku wa ikanakucha
Hey, even if that's the case
(Hei, bagaimana pun aku tetap tak bisa pergi)
Kimi ga inaku to mo ashita wo mitsumete iku
I am going on to see what tomorrow brings even if you are not here
Kimi ga inaku to mo ashita wo mitsumete iku
I am going on to see what tomorrow brings even if you are not here
(Meski pun kau tak ada, aku akan tetap terus menatap hari esok)
Namida ga tomaranai yo zutto suki datta nda
I can't stop these tears, and I always love you
(Air mataku tak dapat berhenti, dan aku pun akan selalu mencitai dirimu)
Nando haru ga kite mo zenbu wasurenai kara
Because no matter how many times spring comes, I will never forget everything
Nando haru ga kite mo zenbu wasurenai kara
Because no matter how many times spring comes, I will never forget everything
(Meski musim semi akan datang berkali-kali, aku takkan melupakan semuanya)
Nee, sayonara mo tsutaeru yo
Hey, I can now say goodbye to you
Nee, sayonara mo tsutaeru yo
Hey, I can now say goodbye to you
(Hei, nampaknua sekarang aku dapat mengucapkan selamat tinggal)
Kimi dake ga inai ima wo ikiteku
I will keep on living, in the "now" that only you aren't here
Kimi dake ga inai ima wo ikiteku
I will keep on living, in the "now" that only you aren't here
(Meski kau sudah tak ada, sampai sekarang pun aku akan tetap menjalani hidup ini)
Don't forget to support the Artist by buying their original works 😊
Indonesia & English Lyrics by ©Japan Daisuki
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Terima Kasih 😊
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